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End of Year FREEBIE

Hey guys! I am linking up today with some amazing teachers to bring you some ideas for the last month of school and even some FREEBIES. Who doesn’t love some free goodies?! Can you believe that we are on the home stretch?!?!

End of the year is always a crazy busy time with Field Day, Performances, Graduations, and all of the other end of the year craziness. Here’s a few easy to prep, fun ideas, to help make this last month a little easier.
We always start off with a fun way to help countdown the days to the end of the school year. Not sure who is more excited, me or the kids. But how cute is our display? I have an amazing room mom that is beyond creative and stayed super late after school to help me put this together!
We always have a blast making these cute “Steppin’ into First Grade” projects from The Bubbly Blonde. They always turn out so cute!
Have you seen this great idea for the last 10 days of school from my dear friend Jennifer Drake! I think we are definitely going to have to do this!
Getting Ready for the Last 10 Days of Kindergarten!:
Kindergarten Smiles has some great ideas for the last day of school! Totally adding a lot of these to my to do list to try and squeeze in as much fun as we can that last week! Check out these fun ideas below!
The last week of school we always have a beach ball signing party so that each child will have a memory of their friends to take home with them over the summer. Everyone sits in a circle and signs their name on a beach ball and passes the ball until they have signed every beach ball. Then we send them home with each kid. They love this keepsake from each of their friends!
This year my kids have been obsessed with Interactive Notebooks and Flippy Flaps. So what better way for kiddos to remember their school year than with a Flippy Flap Memory book. You can click the picture below to grab a FREE Flippy Flap Memory book for your kiddos to use during their last week of school.

Hope you have a great last month of school and make the most memories that you can for you and for your kids! And let the countdown begin to summer break and no alarm clocks!

Now head on over to Inspired Owl’s Corner for some more tips and Freebies!

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Hi, I’m Julie!

If you are looking for hands-on, engaging kindergarten activities, you came to the right place!

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