Last week we had so much going on! Somehow December is always a crazy month trying to squeeze everything in. But it is so much fun! We started the week off with a new friend coming to visit! He was wrapped in a box specially delivered straight from the North Pole. The kids were so excited and couldn’t wait to open it to see what was inside.
When we opened the box. The Elf on the Shelf book was inside with a note but no elf! Did Santa forget to send our elf? We read the note and it said that the elf was already in our room! And the kids did not even notice him. Trying to find a spot to hide him so the kids would not notice until they started looking is always hard. See if you can spot him.
Once they started looking, they found him right away! They were beyond excited! We had to name him right away! We suggested names then voted. Elsa was our number one winner. Thank you Frozen. Then one super smart kiddo said that our elf was a boy so we had to quickly change his name to Sven. Again, thank you Frozen. So far our elf has been pretty well behaved but as Christmas gets closer, I am sure things may get a little crazy 🙂
Aside from our elf adventures, we also learned about the Gingerbread Man. This is definitely a favorite unit of mine. We did not have time to squeeze in everything that I had planned but we still had a lot of fun and learned a lot.
We started by taking a bite of a Gingerbread cookie and graphing what part we bit first.
We practiced spelling CCVC words with Kindergarten Smiles Word Work Pack.
Each day after we read a Gingerbread story, the students wrote and drew in their cookie jar journals to show how the story ended. Love the drawings! They are becoming such good writers! So proud! These are from Deanna Jump’s Gingerbread unit.
Sorry about the pictures. Blogger is being difficult and won’t let me turn them. But look at those labels and speech bubbles! Definitely using those skills from Writer’s Workshop 🙂
We also made these adorable Gingerbread Glyphs also from Deanna Jump’s Gingerbread unit.
We finished the week by making Gingerbread Houses. Our first grade buddies came down to help us. It was messy, sticky, gooey, but so much fun! They loved every minute and I think they turned out adorable!
One week of December down and only two more weeks to go. Not sure how we are going to fit all of the December fun into two weeks but we will cram as much as we can into every second! Next week we will be traveling around the world to see how other countries celebrate Christmas. So grab your boarding pass and your suitcase and come take a look at what we will be up to next week!
Now head on over to DeeDee Wills blog to see what other teachers are up to this week!