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Seuss on the Loose

Hey guys! I’m teaming up again with some awesome teachers to bring you some great ideas to use this month! 
One of my favorite weeks out of the whole year is Read Across America Week. We go all out to make this celebration a big success. We spend the entire week reading and learning about Dr. Seuss! We do everything from crafts, to dressing up, to writings, to games, and even to snacks. Then to end the week we have a big Seuss on the Loose Celebration and all parents are invited to participate. 
This event takes place during the school day. Each teacher in Kindergarten hosts different activities in their classroom as the parents take their child from room to room to complete each activity. This is a great way to get parents involved and have fun at the same time. Come check out some of our activities!
Cat in the Hat – Parents helped their child make a fun Cat in the Hat hat to wear!
 Bartholomew and the Oobleck – It isn’t Seuss on the Loose fun without making Oobleck! Parents and kids loved sticking their hands in this slimy gooey concoction.
even our Principal couldn’t resist!
 Hop on Pop – The kids took turns hoping on pop to see who could hope furthest! We also measured their “hops” to compare each kid.
Ten Apples Up on Top – Practice counting out 10 apples. Can you make a pattern with your apples?
 Puzzle Time! We had various Seuss puzzles set up for parents and their child to complete.

 Green Eggs and Ham – Seuss Day always requires a little cooking and snacking! We made green eggs and ham for the parents and kids to taste. Then they were able to graph if they liked them or did not. They even got to practice peeling the hard boiled eggs!

ABC – Students found the first letter of their name then changed their name to a silly Seuss name. Then they used collage materials to create a silly Seuss character.

 One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish – Estimation Station!!! We filled a jar full of goldfish and the parents helped their child estimate how many fish were in the jar. The winner got to keep the jar of fish!
 Then the students were given a small baggie of colorful goldfish crackers to sort and count!
Then the students were able to go to our reading corner and enjoy many Seuss stories as a family!
How does your school celebrate Read Across America Week?
Now head on over and check out some other great ideas to use this month!

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Hi, I’m Julie!

If you are looking for hands-on, engaging kindergarten activities, you came to the right place!

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