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Category: Sight Words

Help students build independence in the classroom using these 6 ideas.

6 Ways to Build Independence in the Classroom

As a kindergarten teacher, one of the things I am constantly looking for is new ways to build independence in the classroom. When my students come to me, it’s often their first time at school. We have so much to learn to build their confidence and promote more independent action.

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Explore colors with these kindergarten writing activities that are perfect to use in centers.

15 Kindergarten Writing Activities for Exploring Colors

In kindergarten, we’re focused on learning the basics. Shapes, letters, numbers, and of course – colors! Recently, I’ve been using colors as the inspiration for our writing activities and it’s been so much fun! We dive into exploring a new color every few weeks with tracing activities, engaging prompts, and

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These hands on sight word activities are the perfect way to get in some fun and engaging sight word practice along with some fine motor skill practice with your students this year.

3 Fun Sight Word Practice Activities

Is sight word practice getting a little stale in your classroom? Tired of doing the same activities over and over again? Check out these 3 fun and engaging sight word practice activities that I use in my classroom that can help you get out of your rut! For a while

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Playdough mats are the perfect way for students to practice important literacy and math skills while also practicing their fine motor skills.

The Best Playdough Mats for Early Learning

I love to incorporate playdough into our classroom learning time because it is such a fun and engaging way for students to practice academic skills while also working on their fine motor skills. Playdough mats are the perfect way to blend fun and learning for your students. Any time I

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