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Category: classroom management

Help students build independence in the classroom using these 6 ideas.

6 Ways to Build Independence in the Classroom

As a kindergarten teacher, one of the things I am constantly looking for is new ways to build independence in the classroom. When my students come to me, it’s often their first time at school. We have so much to learn to build their confidence and promote more independent action.

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These fun and engaging math manipulatives are a great way to get some hands on learning while practicing important math skills.

3 Math Manipulatives for Hands-On Learning

You guys probably already know, I am all about hands-on learning. I truly believe that when we make learning an engaging experience with fun and exciting materials, young students really perk up and listen! Teaching math can be tricky sometimes, but using manipulatives will make it so much easier. Today

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Small group math warm ups are a great way to get students reviewing skills and concepts while waiting on the teacher

Why I Love Small Group Math Warm Ups

Working with your students in small groups to practice and hit their differentiated learning standards is an important part of our day in the primary classroom. However, sometimes getting students started in their small group while also making sure the rest of the class gets situated with their activities can

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