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Category: fine motor skills

Help students build independence in the classroom using these 6 ideas.

6 Ways to Build Independence in the Classroom

As a kindergarten teacher, one of the things I am constantly looking for is new ways to build independence in the classroom. When my students come to me, it’s often their first time at school. We have so much to learn to build their confidence and promote more independent action.

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Explore colors with these kindergarten writing activities that are perfect to use in centers.

15 Kindergarten Writing Activities for Exploring Colors

In kindergarten, we’re focused on learning the basics. Shapes, letters, numbers, and of course – colors! Recently, I’ve been using colors as the inspiration for our writing activities and it’s been so much fun! We dive into exploring a new color every few weeks with tracing activities, engaging prompts, and

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This image says, "6 Ways to Make Worksheets More Engaging" and includes and example of a color by code 2d shape worksheet.

6 Ways to Make Worksheets More Engaging

As a primary teacher, my main objective is to make sure my kids are learning all of the foundational skills they need in an engaging format. I don’t want them JUST to learn. I want them to have fun learning! Because of this, I’ve learned some tips and tricks to

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This image says, "5 May Activities for Kindergarten" and includes a photo of writing prompts and activities that can be used at the end of the year.

5 May Activities for Kindergarten

May is a crazy busy month in the classroom! We’re approaching the end of the year and there’s more than ever to do! So how do we manage to keep those excited students engaged through the final countdown? With hands-on learning activities of course! Come along to see this roundup

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This image showcases some different April activities you can use in your classroom with the text, "8 April Activities Your Students Will Love!"

8 April Activities Your Students Will Love!

Who’s ready for an April Activity Round-Up?! As someone who LOVES springtime, I’m excited to share some of my favorite lessons and centers to use during the month of April. These April activities are designed to beat boredom, reduce your workload, and help you sail toward those final weeks of

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