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Category: interactive notebooks

Your students will love learning all about insects as they put together their interactive lapbooks!

5 Fun Insect Activities for Primary Students

They’re creepy, they’re crawly, and our young students sure do love them! I’m talking about insects of course! I don’t know about you but my students never fail to find a crawling beetle on the sidewalk or a buzzing fly in our classroom. And they always have to stop and

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These word families interactive notebook activities are fun and engaging for your students to complete as they learn and practice word families.

Easy Word Family Interactive Notebook Activities

Teaching about word families is an important part of teaching students to read and spell. These word families help them to learn that they can use the same letter combinations to decode and spell words. Word families also help to reinforce rhyming skills and increase reading fluency. Providing students with

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These weather lapbook activities are easy to put together in one place using a manilla file folder, some glue, and easy to print and assemble templates for weather related activities.

3 Fun and Engaging Weather Lapbook Activities

Want to turn your students into mini meteorologists, but not sure where to start? Weather lapbook activities are an amazing way to engage your students in a study of different types of weather while also saving you time and classroom space! You realize that your next themed study is weather.

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Fun and engaging activities for learning all about bats

3 Fun Ideas to Celebrate Bat Week

Have you ever heard of Bat Week? It is an international event celebrated every year from October 24th to 31st. It is the perfect time of year to honor these spooky creatures that may go bump in the night. Bat Week is an annual celebration that happens to celebrate and

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