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Spring Fine Motor Counting Activity


Engaging fine motor activities to use in the classroom during Spring!

Pages: 24


Are you looking for a fun, fine motor, hands-on, Spring Fine Motor Counting activity to help teach counting and tallying in small groups or to use in math centers? This is a fun game that your students can also work on independently for morning work or centers, and even great for early finishers! There are 10 different mats! #easterdollardeals

  • Roll, Pom, & Tally – Students will use a dice to roll a colored pom pom. The student will then find a matching pom pom and place it on the mat. The student will then place a tally mark on the recording sheet next to the matching color. Students will keep rolling, matching, and tallying until the mat is full. Once the mat is full, students will count each tally and record the total in the number column on the recording sheet.

Students will love building these Spring themed pictures with their pom poms!

Check out my other Pom Pom games here!

Check out my Spring activities here!