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Kindergarten August and September Lapbook Activity Bundle | Interactive Notebook

Original price was: $20.00.Current price is: $16.00.

Hands-on, interactive research project for August and September.

Pages: 80+


Your Kindergarten students will have so much fun this August and September exploring and learning about Back to School, Apples, and the Fall season with this hands-on, interactive lapbook!

These Social Studies and Science interactive notebooks go beyond just a worksheet, with lots of fun flips and flaps to make, and various activities, your students will be engaged and learn about the August and September holidays in many different ways and will have a keepsake lapbook to bring home and share with their families!

Themes included are:

Back to School

All About Me



What activities are included:

✩ Labeling

✩ KWL Charts

✩ Writing Prompts

✩ Comparisons

✩ Facts

✩ Vocabulary

✩ Mini Anchor Charts

✩ Life Cycle

✩ Sorting

✩ and so much more

What do I still need?

☆ file folder, construction paper, or notebook

☆ scissors

☆ glue

☆ markers, crayons, or colored pencils

That is it!

How can this be used?

This resource can be used in many different ways. Please use this as it best fits your classroom and your students.

You can have your students create a lapbook from a file folder so they have a keepsake to bring home.

Students can also use these activities in an interactive notebook and keep them throughout the school year.

This is a great way for your kids to be engaged in learning about the ocean! If you have any questions please let me know! Hope you and your students have a great time exploring the ocean!

If you like this Flippy Flap, check out my other themed Flippy Flaps Click to view more Flippy Flaps