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Sight Word First 100 Set 1 Interactive Notebooks Set 7


Hands-on, interactive activities to learn sight words.

Pages: 71


This is the seventh set of 10 sets of the Fry First 100 Sight Word Interactive Notebook Packs! Each week focuses on 10 Fry First 100 Sight Words. After the 10 weeks, your students will have learned all Fry First 100 Sight Words in a fun and interactive way!

These sets were made with permission and correlate with Sharing Kindergarten’s Sight Word Stations that you can view here:

Sharing Kindergarten’s Fry Sight Word Stations

The words in this set include: some, her, would, make, like, him, into, time, has, look

The activities include:

– sorting sight words

– writing sight words

– I Spy

– Break the code

– Word Search

– ABC Order

– Roll, Write, Graph

– Building Sight Words

– Unscrambling Sight Words

– Decorate Sight Words

– Trace and Highlight

– Spin, Read, Write

– Sight Word Boxes

– Rainbow Color & Write

– Write a Sentence

– Complete the Sentence

There are instructions and a picture for each activity also. This is a great interactive way for your students to practice and learn their sight words. They will be begging to do these each week!

To see the bundle you can click here:

Fry First 100 Words Interactive Notebook Sight Word Bundle

If you have any questions please ask.