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Peek at Week: More Fire Safety

I cannot believe that I only have 3 days of teaching this week and then I am on Fall Break!!!! Ok, well not exactly. I have a teacher workday and then parent teacher conferences then I’m on Fall Break. But hey, it’s only a 3 day teaching week. I can do this guys! Then it will be time for a well deserved break!
This past week we dove into everything about Fire Safety. We even had a visit from our local fire department! The kids were so excited to see real firefighters and a real fire truck!
They even brought a smoke house trailer so that we could practice crawling really low on the ground under the smoke and then we all met at our safe meeting place.

During Guided Reading, we’ve been digging into our interactive notebooks to practice letters and sounds. You can click on each picture to take you to the product!
We also started working on our new Fire Safety Flippy Flaps. You can check them out below.
Since this week will be a short week, we are going to continue our Fire Safety Unit and keep most things the same. It is also that time again to assess for report cards so keeping things the same means less distractions for me during assessments. Click on the plans below to download a copy.
Now head on over DeeDee’s blog to see what others are doing this week!

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