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Valentine’s Day Decomposing FREEBIE!

Hey guys! I am teaming up again with some amazing teachers to bring you some great ideas for February! Come take a look and grab some great ideas on the way!

This year, our big focus is math. Our school district revamped our entire Math program and it is a work in progress that we are filling in many gaps as we go. It has been a struggle with the change this year but no matter what, the kids are learning and grow more than ever! The struggle and stress is definitely worth it when you see how much each child has grown.
For the next few weeks, we will be working on fluency with addition and subtraction and decomposing numbers to 10. This is such a hard concept for students to grasp at this age. The more hands on experience they have with this concept the easier it is for them to truly understand decomposing numbers. 
With Valentine’s Day right around the corner, what better way to practice this concept then with a fun Valentine’s Day craft and some chocolate. Because seriously, who doesn’t like to learn with chocolates!
Each child was given a “box of chocolates,” some “chocolates,” and a tens frame. 

They then used their chocolates to fill the ten frame using any combination of circle chocolates and square chocolates.

Once their ten frame was filled, they glued their chocolates to their Valentine’s Day box.

Then recorded their combination to make 10.

They can also practice making different combinations and recording the different combinations they make on a separate recording sheet.

Would you like to give this a try in your room? Click below to grab a copy for your class!

Now head on over and check out some other great ideas for the month of February. Happy February!!!

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Hi, I’m Julie!

If you are looking for hands-on, engaging kindergarten activities, you came to the right place!

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