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Happy 100th Day!!!

100th day of school was a success!!! Of course nothing at our school goes off without some sort of kink in the plans and today was not an exception to that. I had everything all prepped and ready to go yesterday when I left work and was so excited! All I had left to do was decorate the door and we would be ready. 
So this morning I walked in the door all dressed in my 100th day shirt from Kreative in Kinder, ready to celebrate. Well apparently, during the night, the school’s boiler went out and my room was an icicle. Perks of working in a really old building. They finally got it back up but it did take quite a bit of time for the heat to catch up to a comfortable temperature in most rooms.
Then at 8:05, 5 minutes before school starts, my best teaching friend calls down and says that her room is not warming up and wanted to know if her 1st graders could work with us today! Of course I said yes. We love having her class join ours! So then I frantically run around trying to make doubles of everything so her class could do the activities with us. Even through all of the chaos we still had an amazing day! 
This is what the students saw when they walked into our room. They were so excited and must have walked through it a thousand times. We even had other teachers and parents from other classrooms ask if they could walk through it.

Our room was set up in 8 rotations. The kids did 20 minute rotations through each station with 2 kinders and 2 1st graders at each and it honestly took all day which was perfect. There were a few small things that we did not get to like our 100 items sharing and 100 day trail mix but we will do those tomorrow šŸ™‚
We had a few super adorable kids dress up for our special day. One little cutie dressed up like she was 100 years old. How adorable! He called her Granny all day. Our other little cutie made a shirt with 100 letter G’s on it for his name. How cute! Love these two!

Our first center was making our famous Zero the Hero! He comes to visit us every 10th day of school and now they have their own Zero the Hero to take home with them! This activity came from Kim Adsit.

Center number 2 was Roll to 100. Students rolled a colored diced. Whichever number they landed on, they would color that many squares the same color that they rolled. On the back that had to make tally marks to show how many they rolled of each color. This activity came from Julie Lee.

The third center was Hershey Kisses! Each Hershey Kiss had a number sticker on the bottom and the students had to match the number to the corresponding number on the number chart. Teacher fail, I could only find a number chart that went to 110 instead of 100. Whoops šŸ™‚

The fourth center was counting 100 fruit loops and stringing them onto a necklace. I think I was losing sleep over this center and stressing over how to get the fruit loops on the necklace and the string not to fray. After talking to some amazing teachers on a FB Group, I decided to use hemp string instead of yarn and it worked perfectly. The string went through every fruit loop and no fraying at all. WIN! They had to put 100 fruit loops on the counting mat before they could string them. This helped them keep track of what number they were on. So much easier.

Next up was the famous 100 days smarter hat! This were a hit all over the school. Everyone loved them! Each student placed 10 stickers onto 10 strips of paper. Each strip had 10 squares on it so it made the counting of stickers so much easier. After they had all of their stickers, we attached them to the hat then put a brad at the top to connect them all into a big crown.  This pattern also came from Kim Adsit.

After their hats were complete, they moved onto making ice cream scoops. The kids cut out 10 ice cream scoops and glued them to an ice cream cone. Then they counted by 10 all the way to 100 on each scoop. These came from Julie Lee.

The seventh center was Pattern Block creations! The kids had to work together to create one big picture out of 100 different pattern blocks. We had some very creative pictures! I was very impressed.

Our last center for the day was Cup Stacking. The kids had 100 paper cups and they had to see how tall of a tower they could build. Once they built a tower, they were allowed to build anything else they wanted out of the 100 cups. We had some very unique creations!

To wrap up our 100th day, each kid got to bring home these adorable 100 day snacks to share with their parents and tell them about their amazing 100th day at school. These came from Jennifer Drake.

At the end of the day when we were walking out to buses. One of my little ones ran into her sister and I had to snap a picture of her adorable shirt! It’s 100 safety pins!!!! Look how cute they are!

When is your 100th day of school? What activities do you do for the 100th day? I would love to hear more ideas!

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Hi, I’m Julie!

If you are looking for hands-on, engaging kindergarten activities, you came to the right place!

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